viernes, 11 de mayo de 2012

Film Genres

Horror films: films that is scary.                 Musical: films that have music and do one theatre.

Ex: Inviteted only.     Ex: Grease.   

Thriller films: films that is very scary.    

Ex: House.             

Science fiction: films that you saw what we are going to have in the future.
Ex: Matrix.

Cartoons: films for small children.   Documentaries: films that explain something from the world.

Ex: Garfield.                   Ex: Planet Earth.

Action film: Story and character delopment are generally secondary to explosions, fist fights, gunplay and car chases.

Ex: Iron man.

Detective film:  films that there are a killer and they need to found who is it.
Ex: Sherlock Holmes.

Spy film: films  that sometimes they need to recuperate things.  Westerns: films that there are
                                                                                                     inspired in the far west.

Ex: Traitor.

                                        Ex: 3:10 to Yuma.

Woo film: films that there are war.                     Romantic film: films that there are love with two persons.

Ex: Windtalkers.                 Ex: Titanic.     

Historical film: films from the are historical films, dealing with past years.

Ex: The last of the Mohicans.

Adventure films: films that they are adventure.

Ex: Pirates of the Caribbean.

What is your favorite film?

My favorite film is "3 metros sobre el cielo"(3msc) is a romantic film. I like this film because is that one girl and one boy fall the love,also sometimes there are comedy and fights with boys and girls, it's funny.Is very interesting, and this film they do in Barcelona, next to the school.


jueves, 15 de diciembre de 2011

My favorite Christmas Advert.


-I like this coca cola advert because i'ts very creative, and original.
-Santa Claus, try that the children play together, and stop to play with an electronic games, I think this is the message.
Video lyrics:

lunes, 3 de octubre de 2011

Maria´s days

What time do you get up in the morning?  I get up at 8 o’clock.
What time do you have breakfast?  I breakfast at 8:05.
When you finish the school? The school finishes at 17:00.
What do you do before dinner?  I dinner at 9 o’clock.
Do you have always lots of homework?  Yes, I have a lot of homework!
What time do you go to sleep?  I go to sleep at 11o’clock.

jueves, 29 de septiembre de 2011

I like the school because...

I like the school, because I play with my friends.
I like go to the school, because later I saw my friends.
I like stay in the school, because my little cousin go.
I like return to the school, because I want to see my friends.
I like study in the school, because I´ts nice.
I like this school, because I´ts beautiful.

lunes, 11 de abril de 2011

What are the best parts of the Song Contests experience?

- I think that is better when we show our photos than when we do the wave.
- I think that the dance is better than the first part of the song.
- I think that when we dance the girls is better than when  the boys, show it the differents parts of the world.
- I think that when we show it our photos is better than when we dance.
- I think that when we do the wave is boring than when we dance.
- I think that the best part is when we dance the girls.
- I think that the most boring part is the wave.
- I think that when we show our photos is one oh the best part of the song.
- I think that when we show the differents parts of the world is more boring than the wave.
- I think that when we do the wave is more boring than we we dance.