jueves, 15 de diciembre de 2011

My favorite Christmas Advert.


-I like this coca cola advert because i'ts very creative, and original.
-Santa Claus, try that the children play together, and stop to play with an electronic games, I think this is the message.
Video lyrics:

lunes, 3 de octubre de 2011

Maria´s days

What time do you get up in the morning?  I get up at 8 o’clock.
What time do you have breakfast?  I breakfast at 8:05.
When you finish the school? The school finishes at 17:00.
What do you do before dinner?  I dinner at 9 o’clock.
Do you have always lots of homework?  Yes, I have a lot of homework!
What time do you go to sleep?  I go to sleep at 11o’clock.

jueves, 29 de septiembre de 2011

I like the school because...

I like the school, because I play with my friends.
I like go to the school, because later I saw my friends.
I like stay in the school, because my little cousin go.
I like return to the school, because I want to see my friends.
I like study in the school, because I´ts nice.
I like this school, because I´ts beautiful.

lunes, 11 de abril de 2011

What are the best parts of the Song Contests experience?

- I think that is better when we show our photos than when we do the wave.
- I think that the dance is better than the first part of the song.
- I think that when we dance the girls is better than when  the boys, show it the differents parts of the world.
- I think that when we show it our photos is better than when we dance.
- I think that when we do the wave is boring than when we dance.
- I think that the best part is when we dance the girls.
- I think that the most boring part is the wave.
- I think that when we show our photos is one oh the best part of the song.
- I think that when we show the differents parts of the world is more boring than the wave.
- I think that when we do the wave is more boring than we we dance. 

martes, 1 de marzo de 2011


9:00- Pineas and Ferb ( CARTOON SHOW)
         - You can watch a funny invents.  
12:00- 3 Metres of the sky ( FILM)
         - You can watch a romantic flim.
14:00- The simpsons ( CARTOON SHOW)
         - You can watch a family doing a funny things.

sábado, 5 de febrero de 2011

This model is wearing a casual dress. He wear long withe t-shirt, and sleeveless sweater along blue jeans; also he wear a brown boots. He wear a big black glasses.

This model she looks fashionable. She has a short withe t-shirt, and long brown trousers. Also she has big, withe rings, and one big, brown black.

martes, 25 de enero de 2011

In this picture, Rafa Nadal appears with she’s girlfriend. They are with swimming clothes, she’s girlfriend she wear a yellow bathing suit, and Rafa a red swimming trunks. They are smiling. They are in one beach.

In this picture, Shakira appears with Piqué. Shakira is wearing one black dress, and Piqué he’s wearing a blue t-shirt with one picture on it. They are smiling. I think this photo they do in the night, because they aren’t any light.
In this Picture, appears Selena Gomez with Justin Bieber. Selena, she’s wearing a Black dress, and Justin a blue t-shirt with one black jacket. They are smiling and they are happy.
Interview with Obama

Carla: Hello! Today he come  the president of United States of America … OBAMA!!
Obama: Hello!
Carla: how are you today president?
Obama: first of old nice to meet you , today i’m happy to be here in the interview!
Carla: do tou like to be the U.S.A’s president?
Obama: yes i really love it!
Carla: do you have to work a lot every day?
Obama: yes,but i enjoy to travel around the world!!
Carla: how  are your children?
My children are great!thank you!
Carla: Are you like a normal family?
Obama: Is dificult to be a good father if you are the U.S.A president.
Carla: thank you for you time Barack!
Obama:is my pleasure!bye!

lunes, 17 de enero de 2011

Hi! My name is Carla!
I'm 13 years old, and i go to the school Teresianas of Ganduxer.
My favorite colour is green, and my favourite animal is the dolphin.
My favorite sport is tenis, because is funny.