martes, 25 de enero de 2011

In this picture, Rafa Nadal appears with she’s girlfriend. They are with swimming clothes, she’s girlfriend she wear a yellow bathing suit, and Rafa a red swimming trunks. They are smiling. They are in one beach.

In this picture, Shakira appears with Piqué. Shakira is wearing one black dress, and Piqué he’s wearing a blue t-shirt with one picture on it. They are smiling. I think this photo they do in the night, because they aren’t any light.
In this Picture, appears Selena Gomez with Justin Bieber. Selena, she’s wearing a Black dress, and Justin a blue t-shirt with one black jacket. They are smiling and they are happy.
Interview with Obama

Carla: Hello! Today he come  the president of United States of America … OBAMA!!
Obama: Hello!
Carla: how are you today president?
Obama: first of old nice to meet you , today i’m happy to be here in the interview!
Carla: do tou like to be the U.S.A’s president?
Obama: yes i really love it!
Carla: do you have to work a lot every day?
Obama: yes,but i enjoy to travel around the world!!
Carla: how  are your children?
My children are great!thank you!
Carla: Are you like a normal family?
Obama: Is dificult to be a good father if you are the U.S.A president.
Carla: thank you for you time Barack!
Obama:is my pleasure!bye!

lunes, 17 de enero de 2011

Hi! My name is Carla!
I'm 13 years old, and i go to the school Teresianas of Ganduxer.
My favorite colour is green, and my favourite animal is the dolphin.
My favorite sport is tenis, because is funny.