lunes, 11 de abril de 2011

What are the best parts of the Song Contests experience?

- I think that is better when we show our photos than when we do the wave.
- I think that the dance is better than the first part of the song.
- I think that when we dance the girls is better than when  the boys, show it the differents parts of the world.
- I think that when we show it our photos is better than when we dance.
- I think that when we do the wave is boring than when we dance.
- I think that the best part is when we dance the girls.
- I think that the most boring part is the wave.
- I think that when we show our photos is one oh the best part of the song.
- I think that when we show the differents parts of the world is more boring than the wave.
- I think that when we do the wave is more boring than we we dance.